So for the next two weeks it's just us girls! Ryan has gone to England, along with Aunt Emma and Uncle Justin and the UM soccer team for their pre-season training. It's an awesome opportunity for everyone involved and we are so excited for them. But we will also miss them very much. Because it's so expensive to call and text from overseas, I have promised Ryan to update the blog daily (we'll see how i do with this)so he doesn't miss so much. For anyone else you reads these posts besides Ryan, I am just forewarning you...they will probably seem very dull and boring to you. But for me and Ryan, even the tiniest things that Ellie does are news worthy.
Day 1
Sadly, there are no pics from today. Ellie and I began the morning after Ryan left. She woke up for a bottle at 2:30 just when Ryan was getting ready to leave. She stayed in bed with me until 7:30 and then we woke up and played. As usual, she was in a great playful mood. We hung out in the den for a while and I had toast and coffee while she played in her bouncy thing. Around 8:30 she was getting a little sleepy and I put her in her swing and she slept until 10:00. After she woke up we headed over to Papa and Sam's house to help (do it ourselves) Sam go through his college stuff to make sure he had everything he needs. Tootie, Bailey, and Casie came over and played for a while and then Casie and Bailey left. Ellie and I took a great nap (much needed for Mommy) and woke up around 3:00. We stayed a little longer, finally leaving around 5 to head home. Nonna was on her way to babysit us (because I am a chicken and don't like to stay by myself). Ellie took a cat nap on my chest (she's back to liking that again) and then we went outside, came back in and took a bath, and waited for Nonna. She got here around 8 with Jim-n-Nicks in tow (yum!!!) Ellie normally goes to bed around 8 or 8:30, but not tonight! Excitement was in the air and she stayed up til around 9:20. Now she's in bed, I've had a shower, Nonna's getting ready for bed, and we're settling in for the night. Ryan should still be in the air right now. He's probably got about another hour and a half until he lands in Manchester. We are praying for a safe flight and landing. I am looking forward to hearing that they've made it safely. Aunt Emma will be the official team photographer/blogger during the trip. If you want to follow them just log on to www.umfalconsoccer.blogspot.com I can't wait to see and read about their trip. We love you Daddy - be safe and we miss you!
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