Tuesday, June 23, 2009

War Eagle!!!

Ellie loves her new Auburn onesie and pink sunglasses!

She was so excited and was laughing and smiling!

She is just wanting to scream WAAAARRRRR EAGLE!!!!!


  1. Stop the insanity...Roll Tide Roll. I need to get Emma and your Dad on that. LOL
    She is just gorgeous!!!

  2. Poor Baby!!! She doesn't even know the tragedy you are introducing her too! Don't worry sweet angel, Papa, Uncle Sam and Aunt Emma to the rescue!! ROLL TIDE!

  3. uh uh! Hands off my Auburn Baby! Ya'll just better be glad she is in Auburn gear instead of her Daddy's favs - Tennessee and Arkansas! When ya'll have babies of your own you can torture them with Bama stuff. hahahaha
