1st night - 2 hours past my bedtime & wide awake!

Day 2 - still a little sleepy
This week Ryan was out of town at a soccer camp. It was the first time Ellie and I have been on our own. It didn't take her very long to figure out something was up. I sent Ryan pictures daily of her since I knew he would miss her! The first night she stayed up past her bedtime by 2 hours - she could tell something wasn't the same. The rest of the week she went to bed on time but she was restless and would wake up in the middle of the night. By about 3 am or so she would just end up in the bed with me. Most of these pics are first thing in the morning because that's our favorite time of the day with Ellie. She's the most alert and playful right when she wakes up.
I love the "2hrs past bedtime" pic. Her eyes are sooo wide open!! Too Funny!