One of my favorite gifts while I was pregnant was the jogging stroller. I couldn't wait to use it. Ellie is not a big fan of her carseat therefore I don't get to use the stroller much. But yesterday, she was so good! I swaddled her, put her in the carseat, snapped it on the stroller and off we went. I kept waiting for her to burst into tears but she never did. Being a bit tired must have helped. But she stayed awake almost the whole time and she just looked around at the trees and the sky and everything we passed. It was my favorite walk with her. We talked the whole time until she eventually closed her eyes and slept. She is changing everyday and she is getting better about sitting in her bouncy seat and carseat. Even though she really doesn't care for the carseat still. She smiles at me a lot and has started cooing a little bit. She's so much fun. If I could, I would love to just stay at home with her every day.
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