Monday, February 16, 2009

Attempted Ear Piercing

Today Dad called to say that Tootie was going to get her ears pierced. I was not going to be at work so I decided to go along on such a fun outing! Knowing my littlest sister and her changing moods, I should have known what the outcome would be. But on the chance that I might actually have something fun to do on a Monday, I ignored the little voice in my head saying...."She's not going to do this" and happily went along. I was picked up by Casie, Dad, Tootie and Bailey and off we went to Claire's for the grand event.
When we got to Claire's the lady said she could only do one ear at a time because she was the only person at the store. This was not an option for us, so off we went to Walmart - where ear piercing is free.... for some people! Toot was so excited, and couldn't quit smiling (should have been a sign). We were all but holding hands and skipping into Walmart. Armed with our cameras, Me, Dad, and Casie were snapping away at such a fun occasion.
The Big Mistake - The ladies just took too long. Tootie sat down and was nervous but she was ready and willing. The two women took their time talking and pulling her hair back, cleaning her ears, marking the spot, la la la. By this time, the somewhat nervous face had turned into an "oh crap!, what's happening to me" face. Then it was all over, there was no way Tootie was letting them get near her with the piercers. (In her defense, I must say I probably would have done the same thing had I been her age. I did not get my ears pierced until I was 18 - I am a big fat chicken. And whenever I am in a situation that makes me scared, it must come and go quickly or else I abort mission!)
Casie decided that maybe we should first pick out Tootie's prize for getting her ears pierced and go back when she was ready. This didn't take long. A lovely tattoo kit was quickly spotted and picked out, and all the sudden Toot was ready for the piercing again. Except when we got there and she was seated her little hands refused to move from the sides of her head. Meanwhile, our lovely Father is in her face with his camera phone snapping away at the horrible scene like the paparrazi. As if this wasn't making her nervous enough, he was saying things like, "Tootie, come on now, we ain't got all day....we can't just hang out at Walmart, we got to just do it and get it over with." The situation was not going to get better. No ears were getting pierced today. So what happened? An at-home ear piercing kit was purchased.....the free ear piercing had turned into $20. Who's going to pierce little Toot's ears you may be wondering??? Casie........and DAD! I have a sneaky feeling that Tootie will one day wish she had just let the Walmart Women pierce her ears.


  1. I couldn't have described the day better! I'm so sorry we took you from one of your last relaxing afternoons w/o baby and threw you into our chaos......or as we like to call it "Life with Tootie!". I am glad you had a chance to see life with a precious angel baby girl!!!!

  2. Don't worry, it was fun for me! I don't get out much these days! hahahaha
